If Derek refrained from sexually abusing an elementary school student he could have been big! He might have been on the day shift deboning chickens at the local processing plant. But he's just a monster in waiting for another child to abuse.
Logue likes to play down his adult interaction with an 11-year-old girl by claiming it was just a French kiss. Sickening image - Logue's slobbering tongue in that child's mouth.
A 7/29/07 Cincinnati Inquirer article reported that Logue pleaded guilty in 2000 to first-degree sexual abuse and fondling an 11-year-old girl. Logue did not
Logue likes to play down his adult interaction with an 11-year-old girl by claiming it was just a French kiss. Sickening image - Logue's slobbering tongue in that child's mouth.
A 7/29/07 Cincinnati Inquirer article reported that Logue pleaded guilty in 2000 to first-degree sexual abuse and fondling an 11-year-old girl. Logue did not dispute the report.
Constantly crying he paid his debt to society for fondling a grade school girl by serving just three years behind bars, he plays down that he was ordered to serve six years in a cage for his dispicable crime. Sure sounds like more more than just a sloppy French kiss happened.
What's he hiding? Maybe he convinced her to get naked with him? Who knows? He gets very worked up and lashes out if anyone asks to see the original police report while claiming, with zero evidence, that the police lie on reports.
Mr. Legal Services claims to know and understand law. Here's the law he didn't comprehend and violated -
Alabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code SECTION 13A-6-66 SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE FIRST DEGREE
Current as of November 25, 2024 | Updated by FindLaw Staff
(a) A person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the first degree if he or she doe
Mr. Legal Services claims to know and understand law. Here's the law he didn't comprehend and violated -
Alabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code SECTION 13A-6-66 SEXUAL ABUSE IN THE FIRST DEGREE
Current as of November 25, 2024 | Updated by FindLaw Staff
(a) A person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the first degree if he or she does either of the following:
(1) Subjects another person to sexual contact by forcible compulsion.
(2) Subjects another person to sexual contact who is incapable of consent by reason of being incapacitated.
(b) Sexual abuse in the first degree is a Class C felony.
(Acts 1977, No. 607, p. 812, §2320; Act 2006-575, p. 1512, §2; Act 2019-465, §1.)
In his self-published book that's littered with grammatical errors Logue said, "I used my mental illness as a crutch for so many years, and in jail I relied even more on my mental illness to survive."
This is one Logue's many excuses for his sexual behavior with a sixth grade child. Did he raise the issue of mental illness when h
In his self-published book that's littered with grammatical errors Logue said, "I used my mental illness as a crutch for so many years, and in jail I relied even more on my mental illness to survive."
This is one Logue's many excuses for his sexual behavior with a sixth grade child. Did he raise the issue of mental illness when he copped a guilty plea for his disgusting behavior with an elementary school aged child? Nope.
The mental illness excuse is probably something he cooked up while behind bars. Logue apparently used mental health issues to sign up for Social Security Disability. Grifter predator is sponging off law abiding taxpayers.
Logue also claims the typical jailhouse "I'm really a holy man" smokescreen of being on the holy trinity team. His crude attacks toward victims of child sex abuse prove the claim is bogus.
Looks like Derek Logue had a less than stellar upbringing in Hodunk, Alabama.
Louge loves to hound, via his keyboard, anyone accused of drunk driving. A danger to the public Derek says. But he has never revealed family secrets like when his mother, Verdine Sparvier Logue Bryant Burden, was busted for driving drunk, driving with a re
Looks like Derek Logue had a less than stellar upbringing in Hodunk, Alabama.
Louge loves to hound, via his keyboard, anyone accused of drunk driving. A danger to the public Derek says. But he has never revealed family secrets like when his mother, Verdine Sparvier Logue Bryant Burden, was busted for driving drunk, driving with a revoked license and driving without insurance.
Derek has a lot to hide from the public. He hopes the registry will go away to keep his sexual desires secret.
Here's a newspaper report about Mama Logue and one of her common law husbands who were rounded up for unlawful distribution of a controlled substance. Sounds like they were involved with pill popping parties.
Looks like Mother Logue was the head of a child sex abuse and drug using Alabama Crime Family. We wonder if Mama Logue supplied her son Derek with pills.
Apparently Ms. Verdine (add one of many common law husband surnames here) got probation for her law breaking. But she couldn't follow the rules. Her probation was revoked in 2003.
Mom may have been too drunk or stoned to teach Derek about jail bait. If she did maybe Derek would have passed on sexually "experimenting" with an 11 year old girl.
Yes, Lecher Logue is proud of living off the government dole.
(The following quote includes his grammatical errors.)
Derek W. Logue of on January 31, 2022 at 2:38 p.m. said ...
"It seems to me the government is content with motivating us NOT to become productive members of society, and so I’m not motivated in the
Yes, Lecher Logue is proud of living off the government dole.
(The following quote includes his grammatical errors.)
Derek W. Logue of on January 31, 2022 at 2:38 p.m. said ...
"It seems to me the government is content with motivating us NOT to become productive members of society, and so I’m not motivated in the least to get a regular job and pay taxes. What’s the point if I have to work harder while fearing losing my job because my background becomes a convenient excuse to fire me if I don’t live up to unreasonable expectations?"
He did have a couple of jobs after release from the big house. Derek sold M&Ms on street corners and was a grocery store bag boy. Apparently those jobs had "unreasonable expectations" that exceeded his abilities.
This is a good laugh - Lecher Logue, like other sex offenders, is a control freak. He obviously had control over his victim. Later he tried, via the courts, to control how members of law enforcement dress when they visit him at one of the dumps in which he lives.
Logue wanted kinder gentler cops to show up at his hole in the wall.
This is a good laugh - Lecher Logue, like other sex offenders, is a control freak. He obviously had control over his victim. Later he tried, via the courts, to control how members of law enforcement dress when they visit him at one of the dumps in which he lives.
Logue wanted kinder gentler cops to show up at his hole in the wall. The sex offender expects the police to dress like concierges.
Of course he lost that court case, which was a loser from the start. No criminal is going to dictate how police dress when checking up on convicted felons.
When Derek the Dunce doesn't like someone he uses fake names, phony accounts and anonymous messages to send threats of violence. He's mighty brave behind a keyboard hunkered down upstairs in a falling down old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. The blubber boy convicted child sex predator isn't going to hurt anything except when he pu
When Derek the Dunce doesn't like someone he uses fake names, phony accounts and anonymous messages to send threats of violence. He's mighty brave behind a keyboard hunkered down upstairs in a falling down old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. The blubber boy convicted child sex predator isn't going to hurt anything except when he pulls wings off butterflies.
Derek is especially brave online since The Florida Supreme Court ruled the first amendment gives him the right to use the most vile language, which he frequently uses toward women who support laws enacted against child sex predators. Logue especially hates victims of child sexual abuse. In his world victims of child sex abuse should keep their little mouths shut. We're sure he wishes his victim didn't blab on him.
Our research department took a long look at a self-appointed anti-sex offender registry “activist” Derek “The Loser” Logue who wrote to us with implied threats of legal action and violence. He doesn’t like our truthful reporting of his ongoing legal troubles.
Logue is perturbed about our suggestions to remove sex offenders from poli
Our research department took a long look at a self-appointed anti-sex offender registry “activist” Derek “The Loser” Logue who wrote to us with implied threats of legal action and violence. He doesn’t like our truthful reporting of his ongoing legal troubles.
Logue is perturbed about our suggestions to remove sex offenders from polite society and put them in an internment camp. The Alabama native is a very angry man because he was caught and convicted of immoral activity with a child under the age of 12.
Some important points about The Loser:
1. He claims to be “Forged in Fire.” Logue wasn’t forged. He was busted as a child molesting horn dog. Sounds like he was caught with his big boy pants down around his ankles with a child. Registered in two states as a sex offender, he claims he only French kissed his grade school victim. He refuses to say exactly where he stuck his filthy tongue, leaving that to prurient imagination. Logue refuses to release the police report detailing his arrest.
2. Logue controls a super sophomoric annual awards program aimed toward people he hates like victims of child sex abuse.
3. Logue has more websites, blogs, fake social media account names and fake e-mail addresses than Carter has little liver pills. His “followers” are, like him, kiddie fiddlers.
4. Logue enjoys living with a convicted rapist in a town so sad it doesn’t have a red light. He has made the town infamous by doubling the number of its resident sex offenders since he moved in.
5. Logue claims that being on the registry is like being a Jew in Nazi Germany. This is a backhanded smear of Jews, who did not rape or molest children.
6. Logue played the “poor me” sympathy card after a suspicious fire burned him out of his ghetto Ohio residence so he could move to Nebraska.
7. While claiming to be college educated Logue throws online threats around with his limited scatological gutter vocabulary. He mentions the anus frequently when crafting grade school insults.
8. No surprise that Logue blindly hates anyone who advocates the usefulness of the sex offender registry - especially women who are pro-registry. His hate of women runs so deep he lashes out by calling women who were sexually abused the “c word.”
9.He proudly claims he lives off of Social Security disability, apparently for a mental problem. One one of his online sex offender clubs he posted, "I do not bother getting a job. Every registrant should collect SSI"
Logue also regularly begs for donations for his clownish “activist” role in which he “protests” the registry dressed in cheap red t-shirts and red elastic band “little boy” short pants while holding crudely made signs.
Derek Logue found predator heaven living with William Bassler, a sex offender Logue admires because "Wil" was convicted of Rape in the First Degree because he had sex with his daughter.
The two convicted sex offenders are playing house in Tobias, Nebraska, a dead man’s town in the middle of nowhere.
Bassler oversees an online s
Derek Logue found predator heaven living with William Bassler, a sex offender Logue admires because "Wil" was convicted of Rape in the First Degree because he had sex with his daughter.
The two convicted sex offenders are playing house in Tobias, Nebraska, a dead man’s town in the middle of nowhere.
Bassler oversees an online sex offender club called SOSEN (Sex Offender Solutions & Education Network). It’s a website where sex offenders cry to each other about being on the registry.
We wonder if Bassler ran from Oregon to Nebraska to avoid two open counts for failure to register as a sex offender.
In 2011 Bassler testified before the Nebraska Legislature Judiciary Committee. What he had to say is very disturbing.
Bassler’s testimony …
My name is William Bassler, that's B-a-s-s-l-e-r. I'm your monster. I went to prison for three years in Oregon for having sex with my daughter. When I went to prison, the first thing that I did was try and get therapy. In fact, that's what I was trying to do when I was caught, was try and get therapy for myself and my daughter, and that's how the crime came out. The first group that I belonged to was STOP in Oregon. It was a two-week course and they told us that 90 percent of sex offenders reoffended. This scared me to death because I didn't want to reoffend. I didn't want to have any more victims. I had dreams of getting back with my family. I have five children by my first marriage. They are gone. They will never speak to me again. That is a hard thing to lose. When I got out of prison ... well, before I got out of prison, I involved myself in other therapy.
One of the programs that I went into was five and a half days a week, eight
hours a day. I've completed over 3,000 hours of treatment to try and change myself so that I would never have another victim. I lost a lot. When I came out of prison, I just happened to have a couple friends that owned businesses and I was able to get a job. I ended up as a plant manager for a printing company and eventually met my second wife. Before we started to date, I wanted her to fully understand the person that she was involved with.
She read my cases, she read my therapy. We got married and we have three kids. But now we're separated because it's gotten too much for the kids to handle. They cannot continue on. And this is at my insistence. I want you people to understand that there is a chance for reforming your life, that there is a chance for a bad person like myself to change. We just need the community's support. We need the people to care about us. Your laws have made that impossible. No matter how hard I try, no matter what I do, no matter what therapy I go through, no matter what, I prove I am always the monster. Thank you.
Logue supposedly has a bachelors degree in justice studies, not to be confused with a criminal justice degree.
Justice studies, where he went to school in Alabama, apparently didn't include any courses on staying away from jailbait given his conviction of sexually abusing an 11 year old child. His course of study surely didn't includ
Logue supposedly has a bachelors degree in justice studies, not to be confused with a criminal justice degree.
Justice studies, where he went to school in Alabama, apparently didn't include any courses on staying away from jailbait given his conviction of sexually abusing an 11 year old child. His course of study surely didn't include professionalism.
Logue cried to Ohio courts that the sex offender registry is unconstitutional and cruel and unusual punishment - the cornerstone of all sex offender complaints. Logue lost in court.
Being a legal lamebrain, Logue then filed an appeal. His reasoning, as stated in the above document, is a secretary gave him the wrong advice. Blaming his legal defeat on a secretary is right up there with the old, "The dog ate my homework" excuse.
His Motion for Reconsideration looks like it was written by an elementary school student.
Logue lost his shoot-for-the-stars appeal. In fact he's lost virtually all court cases he's brought forth except the Florida restraining order, which gave him a first amendment green light to constantly and frequently refer to a sex offender victim he doesn't like as a c***. That's how this angry sex offenders rolls - when all else fails start name calling.
Does anyone hear Derek "The Loser " Logue bragging about this lawsuit? No because he prefers it remains secret.
Apparently he ran his mouth accusing Parents of Megan's Law of using funds for personal gain. Does Logue have proof of financial fraud by the sexual abuse victim advocate organization? Of course not.
Logue likes pokin
Does anyone hear Derek "The Loser " Logue bragging about this lawsuit? No because he prefers it remains secret.
Apparently he ran his mouth accusing Parents of Megan's Law of using funds for personal gain. Does Logue have proof of financial fraud by the sexual abuse victim advocate organization? Of course not.
Logue likes poking bee hives with a stick but then cries like a toddler when he gets stung. His favorite legal defense in lawsuits like this liable action is taking pride of poverty. He brags that because he has nothing, there's nothing to be gained by suing him.
The certified child molester also trots out his David vs Goliath metaphor when the "big boys" sue him never realizing that he was the Goliath and his victim was the David in his sex offender case.
Another case that Logue likes to keep secret. Looks like the "justice studies" degree he claims to have is useless when he brings legal actions.
With all the loses he's been handed by the courts, you think he would wise up with his constant stalking of sexual abuse victims. But he's not that smart. If he was a smart he wouldn't have
Another case that Logue likes to keep secret. Looks like the "justice studies" degree he claims to have is useless when he brings legal actions.
With all the loses he's been handed by the courts, you think he would wise up with his constant stalking of sexual abuse victims. But he's not that smart. If he was a smart he wouldn't have been messing around with a grade school girl.
Because Logue has so many legal setbacks, he brays like a donkey about his one self-described big win which was nothing but approval to be crude and to call women the c-word.
Derek wants everyone to know he's capable of killing. He apparently believes killing humans is easy as how he killed frogs with a b.b. gun when he was a teenager.
As a convicted felon for being sexually involved with a sixth grade child he's not allowed to have firearms. That must mean he's advocating killing with his small grubby sex offender hands.
Derek "The Loser" Logue loves to brag about his Florida courthouse wins, squashing an order of protection by a Florida state senator he loves to hate. Book and her father have been his favorite target for years. Why? Because they don't like sex offenders and actively seek harsher laws for perverted predator pedophiles who rape or mole
Derek "The Loser" Logue loves to brag about his Florida courthouse wins, squashing an order of protection by a Florida state senator he loves to hate. Book and her father have been his favorite target for years. Why? Because they don't like sex offenders and actively seek harsher laws for perverted predator pedophiles who rape or molest children.
Logue takes pride in calling the state senator the c-word. Even bragged about it under oath. Because this senator and her father are Jewish, he stooped so low as to accuse them of being Nazis by posting photos of them with crudely drawn swastikas next to their faces.
Logue made it a point to travel thousands of miles via Greyhound, his favorite mode of transportation, to be at locations near the state senator. (Hope Greyhound doesn't allow him to sit next to a child while on the bus.) Dying for Lauren Book's attention, Logue likes to confront her by wearing dumpy red and yellow clothes, holding up crudely made posters and bellowing like a cow.
Back in 2010 Derek's ex-wife obviously felt so scared about being harmed by him she was given an order of protection.
Seven years later his ex-wife appealed to the courts for a second order of protection from Derek. She didn't receive the restraining order, but the court left the door open for her to re-file.
Wonder what Derek did in 2017 to cause her to, once again, to fear him? Maybe he yelled the c--word at her over and over and threatening to physically harm her. He has no problem making online threats of violence. He wrote us a while back saying that he never laid a hand on her. Wow, big accomplishment.
It's obvious Logue is twisted. Lashing out with threats of violence and lawsuits has made him a keyboard tough guy. He would have had a lot less trouble in life if he kept his sexual relationships confined to adults, not children!
Loser Logue has been crowing that his eight counts grand theft down in Broward County, Florida were dismissed. But the charges were not dismissed. It was decided by the States Attorney not to pursue charges. Does this mean he's innocent? No. Likely means they didn't want to mess with Logue who is a small fry pervert pedophile in the c
Loser Logue has been crowing that his eight counts grand theft down in Broward County, Florida were dismissed. But the charges were not dismissed. It was decided by the States Attorney not to pursue charges. Does this mean he's innocent? No. Likely means they didn't want to mess with Logue who is a small fry pervert pedophile in the criminal world.
Back in 2018 Derek "The Loser" Logue was accused of eight counts of grand theft. Logue was picked up in Cincinnati and transported to Ft. Lauderdale. He stayed locked up until posting bail.
Always running his mouth about being legally savvy due to a supposed degree in "justice studies," from a southern backwater college, it took him 1,416 days to supposedly prove he was thousands of miles away at the time of the crime.
According to Logue he doesn't have transportation, which begs the question how did he get to Florida in his attempts to get into State Senator Lauren Book's face while she was doing her "It's ok to tell" campaign advising children to speak up if molested? Also, how did he get to a New York City film festival in his attempts to get in the Florida state senators' face?
Ever since Logue was charged with grand theft he's said, over and over, that he's going to sue his Florida enemies over the case. Empty sex offender bluster. The loser been threatening lawsuits and violence ever since he went online with his "free the sex offenders" act. No one is holding their breath waiting for him to fulfill empty threats.
Loser Logue is and always will be a pervert, pedophile, predator sex offender, and suspected arsonist of his Cincinnati dump of an apartment.
Wonder why Derek Logue's family didn't mention him being Verdine Sparvier Bryant Burden's child? Was it because the family is ashamed to be related to convicted sex offender?
Whoever wrote her obituary didn't use the woman's real name - Verdine Burden. Looks like the fake name was intended to cover up her cases of drunk driving, di
Wonder why Derek Logue's family didn't mention him being Verdine Sparvier Bryant Burden's child? Was it because the family is ashamed to be related to convicted sex offender?
Whoever wrote her obituary didn't use the woman's real name - Verdine Burden. Looks like the fake name was intended to cover up her cases of drunk driving, distribution of a controlled substance and violation of probation.
Verdine Sparvier “Bernie” Burden, 65, went to be with the Lord on August 15, 2010.
Verdine was French-Canadian, born in Quebec in 1945 and immigrated to the USA in 1972. Verdine loved frogs (especially “mean” frogs), the Crimson Tide (though she didn’t know who Bear Bryant was), Cincinnati Chili, Italian sterling silver, the Catholic Church, Country and Westerns, the country, gardening, canning, crocheting, and cooking, but most of all, she loved her family dearly.
Verdine was best known for her humorous stories, witty comebacks, generosity, home-cooked meals, and at times, her French temper. Never one to let adversity kill her love for the simple life, Verdine died at her country home in peace with a smile on her face.
Verdine leaves behind her common-law husband, Raymond Burcham; two sons, “Bear” Logue, with wife Christina, and “Flea” Marchand (with fiancée Tasha); three Grandchildren, Damian, Bailey, and Heather Logue; one daughter, Tammy, in Canada; an ex-sister-in-law, Sadie; and one adopted son, “Young” David Kobus from San Francisco.
What's this? Derek Logue in 2010, same year his wife filed for divorce and obtained a restraining order against him, sued his now ex-wife for $2,000.
Bet his ex regrets the day she got involved with this vindictive sex offender who is angry at the world for his own misdeeds.
Logue probably got all bent out of shape because the be
What's this? Derek Logue in 2010, same year his wife filed for divorce and obtained a restraining order against him, sued his now ex-wife for $2,000.
Bet his ex regrets the day she got involved with this vindictive sex offender who is angry at the world for his own misdeeds.
Logue probably got all bent out of shape because the best thing that ever happened to him, his ex-wife, was bugging out of their marriage. Apparently he put on his "justice studies" hat and sued. Maybe he was trying to get even for her dumping him.
In his self-published book Logue claimed that his ex mother-in-law visited him in lockup. After all the stunts he pulled on his ex-wife, it's likely the family he married into wishes he would go live under a rock in a very remote part of the world like Tobias, Nebraska.
Here's Mr. Justice Studies being schooled by the judge during a trial while he was on the witness stand. Playing the fool, he laughed at an opposing attorney's legal argument before the bench ...
The Judge: "But Mr. Logue, I’m instructing you that’s it’s not appropriate for you to comment in any way on a legal argument made by oppos
Here's Mr. Justice Studies being schooled by the judge during a trial while he was on the witness stand. Playing the fool, he laughed at an opposing attorney's legal argument before the bench ...
The Judge: "But Mr. Logue, I’m instructing you that’s it’s not appropriate for you to comment in any way on a legal argument made by opposing counsel and that includes any type of display that you think something is humorous, that you think something is upsetting or you think something is incorrect.
It’s not appropriate for me to consider the way you feel about a legal argument. So while it may be difficult for you, sir, I’m going to ask you and instruct you not to do that. It’s not appropriate in court."
Logue: I was just keeping it to myself.
The Judge: Sir, sir, I’m not asking you to comment on what I’m saying either. So you need to not laugh at statements made, whether it’s testimony, argument by the lawyer or anything said by anyone. That’s not appropriate.
You’re a witness. You just got to sit and listen and answer the questions. That’s what you’re there for."
Every since Logue founded his online sex offender club called oncefallen, he has constantly begged for donations. There's just one caveat, all checks and money orders must be made out to him personally, not his fake company.
Since Logue and his fake company are not registered charities, any funds donated to him apparently augments h
Every since Logue founded his online sex offender club called oncefallen, he has constantly begged for donations. There's just one caveat, all checks and money orders must be made out to him personally, not his fake company.
Since Logue and his fake company are not registered charities, any funds donated to him apparently augments his Social Security disability and food stamp income. He can use those funds for any purpose.
Derek doesn't report what becomes of donations, who knows where they're spent? Is he using the money for alcohol or drugs? It's not going toward an office. Not even a home office.
Wonder if he reports this free income to the Internal Revenue Service?
In his most recent Go Fund Me begging for bucks he claimed he needed the money to keep his website going. Which website among the many he has didn't seem to be specified. Logue begged for some crazy amount like $1.5K. Only hauled in $265.
Loser Logue has spent years needling Lauren Book, a Florida sex abuse victim and state senator.
Logue doesn't like her tough stance on adults who sexually abuse children. Book and her father Ron Book, a noted Florida lobbyist, both work diligently to bring child rapists and molesters to justice.
At one point Lauren Book, like Log
Loser Logue has spent years needling Lauren Book, a Florida sex abuse victim and state senator.
Logue doesn't like her tough stance on adults who sexually abuse children. Book and her father Ron Book, a noted Florida lobbyist, both work diligently to bring child rapists and molesters to justice.
At one point Lauren Book, like Logue's ex-wife, took out a restraining order to keep him away from her. Logue is so fixated on this woman that he traveled thousands of miles to be near her - protesting her pro-registry stance with crudely made signs. The restraining order was approved but overturned on appeal due to first amendment issues.
As his only self-described courtroom victory, Logue spends each day on the Internet tooting his horn about this high point of his life, which includes his obsessive small-minded sewer-mouth misogynistic use of the "c-word" to describe Book.
Logue has created and operates websites and blogs dedicated to heckling Lauren Book.
The convicted sex offender's obsession with Lauren Book, details of how she was sexually abused as a child, where she lives, the clothes she wears, her family, and the legislative bills she supports is a big part of his miserable angry-he-was-caught life as a sex crime perpetrator.
Logue showed his true slimy colors when he posted the above crude Photoshop job he did on Lauren and Ron Book photographs.
Since both Ron and Lauren are Jewish, this demonstrates how he believes name-calling tantrums will help his anti-registry cause. He apparently doesn't realize that lashing out with free floating hate inspires
Logue showed his true slimy colors when he posted the above crude Photoshop job he did on Lauren and Ron Book photographs.
Since both Ron and Lauren are Jewish, this demonstrates how he believes name-calling tantrums will help his anti-registry cause. He apparently doesn't realize that lashing out with free floating hate inspires more stringent sex offender laws.
With the Book family living in his head, Logue created one of his websites specifically for non-stop venting about Ron and Lauren Book. He falsely claims his Ron and Lauren HateSite was created by and for concerned citizens. That's obviously a lie.
Lauren Book runs a program called Lauren's Kids that educates children to tell if they are every touched inappropriately. Logue believes sexual abuse victims should keep their traps shut. Wonder if he feels that way because his grade school victim blew the whistle on his sexual abuse?
No-doubt the majority of convicted sex offenders wish their victims didn't tell on them.
Loony Tune Logue spends considerable time crying the blues about sexual abuse victim advocate Laura Ahearn. In fact, Logue constantly criticizes what he calls the victim industry.
Like Lauren Book, Laura Ahearn promotes programs to warn and inform children about being touched inappropriately. One of the many blogs and websites that L
Loony Tune Logue spends considerable time crying the blues about sexual abuse victim advocate Laura Ahearn. In fact, Logue constantly criticizes what he calls the victim industry.
Like Lauren Book, Laura Ahearn promotes programs to warn and inform children about being touched inappropriately. One of the many blogs and websites that Logue created is dedicated to criticizing Ahearn. His criticism of Ahearn generally consists of crude name calling - Logue's premier adolescent talent.
The Alabama native does happy dances on his keyboard when he directs primitive insults at Ahearn. As a convicted sex offender involving an 11 year old relative, Logue's impotent attempts to shame law abiding citizens and child sex abuse victims is his special brand of urinating into the wind.
It's possible that the constant attention he showers on the Books and Ahearn are a cry for attention. It appears more likely that Logue has an inherent predisposition to attack women he doesn't like. Either way the man-child can use psychological intervention.
Here’s a startling revelation recently posted by convicted sex offender Derek “The Loser” Logue …
“Nobody wants to be listed on the public sex offense registry, and for good reason, so rumors abound about ways to avoid the registry.”
Remarkable insight! If nobody wants to be on the public sex offense registry all they have to do i
Here’s a startling revelation recently posted by convicted sex offender Derek “The Loser” Logue …
“Nobody wants to be listed on the public sex offense registry, and for good reason, so rumors abound about ways to avoid the registry.”
Remarkable insight! If nobody wants to be on the public sex offense registry all they have to do is refrain from molesting or raping children!
Sex offenders like “The Loser” try to avoid being on the registry by moving from state to state. In The Loser’s case he moved to Ohio from his home state of Alabama. He also managed to be on the Florida sex offender registry thanks to being charged and locked up for eight counts of grand theft in Broward County, Fla. Florida is his favorite state to protest sex offender laws during Nebraska winters.
He supposedly lives in a dump of a home owned by William Bassler who was convicted of first degree rape in Oregon.
No matter where he lives, in a flop house or a mansion, all his online crying and in person protesting will never wash off the stink off of being a child sex predator.
Here’s another crazy statement by Derek “The Loser” Logue …
“Research has consistently shown most sex crimes occur in the home, by someone known to the victim”
Wonder who did this important research? Logue did himself – hands on with his 11-year-old victim who was/is a cousin.
One speculates exactly where Logue’s hands were whe
Here’s another crazy statement by Derek “The Loser” Logue …
“Research has consistently shown most sex crimes occur in the home, by someone known to the victim”
Wonder who did this important research? Logue did himself – hands on with his 11-year-old victim who was/is a cousin.
One speculates exactly where Logue’s hands were when he was sticking his tongue down his victim’s throat. Were his palms together as if he were praying? Were his hands behind his back? Were his hands in his pockets? Or were his hands down his victim’s trousers?
If it was only a “French kiss” as he claims on his slew of websites and blogs, then why did the judge slap him with six years in the can?
Logue has been spending his sorry life attempting to downplay and use misdirection about his nasty crime. But it’s not working. He’s still a convicted sex offender registered in Florida and Nebraska.
In a book titled “Protecting Our Kids? How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing Us” by Emily Horowitz, she points out typical sex offender lies like the ones Derek Logue spews. Examples …
“He says it was a ‘situational’ crime and that it happened as a result of a set of unusual circumstances” Agreed that it’s a case of “unusual circumstance
In a book titled “Protecting Our Kids? How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing Us” by Emily Horowitz, she points out typical sex offender lies like the ones Derek Logue spews. Examples …
“He says it was a ‘situational’ crime and that it happened as a result of a set of unusual circumstances” Agreed that it’s a case of “unusual circumstances.” It’s unusual for an adult to stick his tongue in an 11-year-old child’s mouth. It was likely more serious than just a “French kiss” since he didn't get probation for his guilty plea and was sentenced to six years in the slammer.
“His wife left him” [as a result of his crime]. His wife left him a year before he sexually hooked up with the child.
“Logue was in college when the incident took place.” He claims he graduated from Athens State University in January 2000. He was arraigned for his sex offender crime in Sept. 2000.
“He has not had a formal job since 2006 and now lives on disability, even though he as a college degree with a major in criminal justice.” His degree is in justice studies, not criminal justice.
“I am not a pedophile and I don’t get aroused by children,”Logue says. He apparently wasn’t “turned off” by sexual contact with an 11-year-old.
”He has completed tests and evaluations showing he is not a dangerous predator but has had no success in getting off the registry.“ Maybe he did one of those “remember five words” cognitive tests. LOL! If “The Loser” completed any tests showing he’s not a dangerous predator he would be posting the results one of his many websites or blogs. But he hasn’t because this claim is just silly subterfuge.
About one year ago Derek Logue wrote to the U.S. Department of Justice with a “Queen for a Day” sob story about being on the sex offender registry. The letter is more evidence that Loser Logue doesn’t realize that if he, as an adult, never had a sexual encounter with an 11-year-old child he wouldn’t be on the registry.
In the letter
About one year ago Derek Logue wrote to the U.S. Department of Justice with a “Queen for a Day” sob story about being on the sex offender registry. The letter is more evidence that Loser Logue doesn’t realize that if he, as an adult, never had a sexual encounter with an 11-year-old child he wouldn’t be on the registry.
In the letter’s introductory sentence. he plays the “Poor me, I’m a native American card.” He wrote, “My name is Derek W. Logue, a 43 year old Native American male …”
To really impress DOJ officials, he should have used his given Indian name – Little Crying Weasel.
Here's Loser Logue under oath during a trial giving important testimony ...
The Court: “So we’re back on the record”
Logue: “I need to use the bathroom”
Courtroom facilities appear to be way nicer than the "reading rooms" in the dumps Logue has been living in since he did his nasty deed with a child, went to jail and moved from Alabama
Here's Loser Logue under oath during a trial giving important testimony ...
The Court: “So we’re back on the record”
Logue: “I need to use the bathroom”
Courtroom facilities appear to be way nicer than the "reading rooms" in the dumps Logue has been living in since he did his nasty deed with a child, went to jail and moved from Alabama. These days he's living in Nebraska. He is rooming with William Bassler, who is on the registry for raping his daughter.
When Derek spouts off with posts in every internet nook and cranny, he always produces a steaming heap of irony. In the message he posted below following a news report that didn't flatter sex offenders, Logue doesn’t acknowledge the most obvious; if he hadn’t been sexually involved with a child, he wouldn’t be on the registry.
When Derek spouts off with posts in every internet nook and cranny, he always produces a steaming heap of irony. In the message he posted below following a news report that didn't flatter sex offenders, Logue doesn’t acknowledge the most obvious; if he hadn’t been sexually involved with a child, he wouldn’t be on the registry.
Claiming the registry destroys lives of thousands of Ohioans is total misdirection from the fact that it’s sex offenders who ruin children’s lives. And crabbing about the complexities of the registry? Only a sex offender would care, not the law- abiding public.
oncefallendotdumb says ...
Since I was a target of this article, I think it is fitting to be allowed the opportunity to present a formal counterpoint to this terrible Opinion piece. I have sent my response to this paper. The registry is a complete mess. It is a bloated, useless mess that destroys the lives of tens of thousands of Ohioans.
Even with the OpEd I wrote in response, I can't even begin to cover the complexities of Ohio's registry. But Ohio has wasted millions on this useless list. That money could be better spent elsewhere.
I'd love to challenge this author to a public debate. Of course, whether she would actually take me up on this offer is another matter altogether. I've found these victim advocates to be afraid of being exposed as being devoid of facts.
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