Yes, Derek Logue actually posted this on one of his many blogs. Petulant sex offender, like all perverts, angry at the world he created by sexually abusing a child.
"Only a coward like you would behave and think in such a matter. Mary accomplished more in her few years than you or your loser cohorts ever will in your lifetime. Perso
Yes, Derek Logue actually posted this on one of his many blogs. Petulant sex offender, like all perverts, angry at the world he created by sexually abusing a child.
"Only a coward like you would behave and think in such a matter. Mary accomplished more in her few years than you or your loser cohorts ever will in your lifetime. Personally I feel that every one of you deserve to suffer and die a slow, painful death. Karma is a Stitch seventy seven times over. You are the biggest slap in the face to real survivors of sexual abuse. It is funny, even those who don't like me see you as I see you, a bunch of pretenders with pedophiles posing as child victim advocates. You have only yourselves to blame."
Twitter had banned Derek Logue permanently from its social media platform due to hate speech. But Derek is happy Elon Musk allowed him back on Twitter (aka "X") so he can continue spewing hate.
While under the ban, the tricky sneak, he went back on using the name "Trevor Silas." But his alias was quickly discovered and he was cut of
Twitter had banned Derek Logue permanently from its social media platform due to hate speech. But Derek is happy Elon Musk allowed him back on Twitter (aka "X") so he can continue spewing hate.
While under the ban, the tricky sneak, he went back on using the name "Trevor Silas." But his alias was quickly discovered and he was cut off once again.
Using his extensive imagination he tried Twitter a third time as Trevor Silas II. That didn't work either.
It's ironic Logue was banned for hate speech when can't stop blabbing about the topic when it's done by others. He even had an article published online by "The Crime Report" titled "When Hate Speech Leads to Violence."
Logue is noted for spewing nasty obscene messages anonymously via email and social media. We have plenty of examples but can not publish them because they are so offensive.
He loves to project his bad behavior on others.
Derek Logue loves to comment on news stories with his "expert" opinion, especially stories that advocate a hard stance on sex offenders. Here's a typical response to one of Logue's comments...
May 28, 2016·1 min read
Look who is offering his “expert” opinion, Derek Logue AKA Oncefallendotcom. Yes, he is the “expert” who was convicted of child molesting an 11 year old girl that he had known since she was 4 years old.
This heinous crime occurred in Alabama when Logue was in his twenties and according to him it was not his fault because she was a “Lolita.” He now resides in Ohio [has since moved to Nebraska] where he is listed on the Sex Offender Registry and was designated by an Ohio Judge to be classified as a “predator.” He makes it his job - since he is unemployed and on government assistance — to try to steer the narrative of articles like this one to a Sex Offender Advocacy agenda with false and fabricated disinformation.
Don’t buy into the nonsense of the RSOL/NAMBLA mob which Logue is a proud member.
John DeMargo
Derek Logue, Plaintiff,
Case Number: 1:13-cv-348
Judge Dlott
US Marshals
This action came before the Court for a trial by jury. The issues have been tried and the jury has rendered its verdict.
X Decision by Court. This action came to trial or hearing before the Court. The issues have been tried or heard and a decision has been rendered.
IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED: Defendants’ motions to dismiss all claims against them (Doc. 36) is GRANTED. This case is hereby TERMINATED.
September 15, 2014
By s/Jennifer Webst
Poor Derek. Here's part of his blubbering essay wondering what kind of man he is. He boo hoos on and on like a child who had their ice cream cone taken away.
But he was the 23-year-old adult preying on an 11-year-old child. Logue makes no attempt to claim he was in love with the little girl as in the Romeo and Juliet romance sex offenders like to claim is permissible.
Sure sounds like Logue fits the definition of a sex offending monster.
"AM I A MONSTER? The answer has plagued my mind for days on end. My neighbors watch me with suspicious eyes and gossip behind my back. People shout obscenities at me while I'm walking down the street. People devote website to hating and attacking me. I am put on a public list, and that makes people afraid.
Recently, my now ex-fiancee was told by her neighbor, a child, "That man who comes over to your house, he' a bad man, he hurts people." He's a monster. We could not get married because she has a child so the law won't allow it. We could not easily go on trips together or attend kid friendly events together out of fear of vigilantes.
My ex-fiancee could not take it anymore so she left me. Even she began seeing me as a monster. I will never forget that she sees me as a monster. I can never forget.
AM I A MONSTER? Am I eternally doomed to virtual exile? Is death my only escape? Once fallen, can anyone restore his or her own life? Is there hope? Is there forgiveness? Is there LOVE?"
Derek “The Loser” Logue has spent years trying to cover up his problems, especially when it comes to his ex-wife’s 2010 order of protection against him. She indicated in her request for protection that he threatened to injure her.
During the 2017 Florida trial to overturn a restraining order brought by a Florida state senator, Loser Logue was asked about his ex-wife’s order of protection.
He objected to the issue being aired in public, which was not in his power to do because he was a witness, not an attorney.
When his lame objection didn't work, he tried to deny the matter ever happened. When that didn’t work, he went into his belly aching “poor me” mode with this gem, “So, it doesn’t make it right” as if his ex-wife was in the wrong instead of him creating his own problems.
Attorney: Looking at 4, isn’t there an allegation on 4 that you threatened to injure her, made her afraid that she would be seriously injured? And the date in place when the abuse occurred 2010, end of July, at the defendant’s apartment in 2010, September at her home. Do you see that?
Logue: I see it but – -
Attorney: Okay.
Logue: but I still object to that.
Attorney: I understand. You take issue with weather or not that actually occurred?
Logue: Because it didn’t happen.
Attorney: Okay. And there was a hearing, right?
Logue: There was a hearing
Attorney: You testified?
Logue: Yes.
Attorney: Your wife testified?
Logue: Ex-wife
Attorney: In fact, I think she was actually your ex-wife at that time too, wasn’t she?
Logue: Yes. We got back together and broke up again.
Attorney: Okay. And as a result of the testimony and listening to both of you, the judge entered an order of protection, correct?
Logue: Yes.
Attorney: But you appealed?
Logue: Yes
Attorney: And lost?
Logue: Yes. So it doesn’t make it right.
Here's part of a letter Logue sent in an attempt to snow the federal government with cries of "poor me." If he didn't, as an adult, sexually mess around with a child he wouldn't have been jammed up, now would he?
Not surprised he claims to be a Native American. Because Logue likes to paint himself as a civil rights advocate surprised he doesn't claim he's Black.
To: Regulations Docket Clerk
Office of Legal Policy
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 4234
Washington, DC 20530
Re: Docket No. OAG 157
Statement from Derek W. Logue of on the US DoJ proposed changes to the “Registration Requirements Under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act”
My name is Derek W. Logue, a 43 year old Native American male currently residing in rural Nebraska, and founder of the registry information website
I have been a Registered Person since 2003 and will be on this government blacklist for the rest of my life. I am essentially serving a life sentence. Every day my face is on this registry, my life and the lives of my loved ones are in constant danger.
Just this year alone, I’ve experienced multiple threats and experience constant harassment because of the registry. I have not held a formal job since 2006 and collect welfare to survive. There is no point in trying to become a productive citizen when few companies hire Registered Persons, and even if I can be hired, I can be too easy fired using my label as a convenient excuse. I live off $803 a month SSDI/ SSI, draw $15 a month in food stamps, and Medicaid/Medicare.
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